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We will accept events that are:
  • Open to attendees nationally - Those for attendees only from a specific region should be advertised locally
  • Relevant to the healthcare system, guidelines and curricula of healthcare professionals working in the United Kingdom
We will NOT accept events that:
  • Could cause conflict-of-interest with healthcare professionals in line with professional bodies- for example, events sponsored by formula milk companies
  • Please check that the event has not already been submitted prior to completing the form below to avoid duplication

    This must include cost details of all types of ticket or if this is a free event.

    Event Website

    This can be a page for more information, registration, further contact details etc from your own Website, Eventbrite, Facebook page etc

    Venue Details

    If this is a virtual-only event, please leave blank. For creating new locations, use the format:
    Address: Building name, Street
    Then add City and Postcode to help with Google Maps integration when post is approved.
    Delete this
    Add another venue

    Choose a .jpg, .png, or .gif file under 2 GB in size.

    Choose Image

    Please double-check all details are as you would want them to appear, and that the price(s) are written in the event description box.

    Thank you for contributing your event to help populate the site, approved submissions will be visible within the next few days!